Saturday, April 16, 2011

No hay dias normales

We found some people that probably haven't been home in a while.
Elder Dopp still wanted to go see if there was any hope.

We came home for lunch.
Green eggs and ham!

Taco Pizza?
A veces siento como yo estuviera en Mexico. Es una bendicion a conocer esta gente que son tan humilde. Este comida se llama Claiyuda y solo se encuentra en Oaxaca Mexico. Me encanta las cultura Mexicana.

Yo aprendi algo muy poderoso la semana pasado que no voy a olvidar. Este dia, yo estaba un poco triste. Mi trabajo no salia bien. Decidimos a pasar por una familia que no hemos visto en mucho tiempo. En esta casa vive 7 adultos y 10 hijos. Solo estaba dos padres, pero todos los ninos estaban alli. Al entrar, todos los ninos nos rodeaban y querian hablarnos. Durante todo nuestro tiempo alli, los ninos estaban sonriendo a nosotros. Esto me hizo sonreir y reir tambien. Cuando sali de esta casa, yo me di cuenta de que yo sentia muy feliz... a causa de los ninos. Yo sentia el amor de ellos y tambien el amor de Dios por medio de ellos. En este momento yo recorde las ensenanzas de Jesus, que necesitamos llegar a ser como hijos pequenitos. Hora endiendo porque. Yo quiero ser mas amoroso como ellos. Me encanta aprender de los ninos.

I learned a powerful lesson last week that I will always remember. On this day, things weren't going so well. I was a little down because of it. We decided to go visit a family that we hadn't seen in a while. There are 7 adults and 10 kids that live in this house. There were only two of the adults there, but all of the kids. Right when we walked in, all the kids surrounded us smiling and laughing and wanting to talk to us. I felt like Santa Clause, but they weren't happy about any toys, just that we came. There were like that the whole time we were there. When we left, I couldn't stop smiling myself. I really felt the love that they had for us and I also felt God's love through them. I thought of the Lord's teaching that we need to become as little children. That day I learned why. You don't need to do anything to deserve their love, they just love you, as you are. They can really demonstrate what love really means. They made my day not just bareable, but really enjoyable. 

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